There might be cases when you need to identify the Aurea Monitor-related durable subscriptions in Aurea Messenger used by Aurea Monitor.
This can be the case, for eg. when you have upgraded Aurea Monitor (eg: from 2020R1 to 2021R1) and you are seeing 3 pairs of subscriptions, where 2 of them are most likely are from an older installation of Aurea Monitor.
- Have a look at your Durable Subscription in your Aurea Messenger's Sonic Management Console (SMC) as described in the Aurea Messenger MQ Configuration and Management Guide, in the chapter Viewing Durable Subscriptions.
- You will see something like this:
- You can see in the screenshot above, that the Topic names for the ones related to Aurea Monitor are suffixed with actional.<server>.<susbscriptiontype>. The durable ones in our example are suffixed with: actional.productionserver.durable.
- Additional things to note:
- The Last Connected column shows the time and date when it was last connected. If this column shows Connected for a given subscription, it means that the given subscription is connected (Agents are using it)
- The Count column shows the number of messages currently in the subscriptions
- The Size column shows the sum of the size of messages in the Count.
If Last Connected was a long time ago and Count and Size are quite big for a longer period of time (more than 24 hours), then you might be soon facing the case when your Aurea Messenger's broker storage (pubsub.odb) will be growing rapidly and consuming huge disk space.