You might want to set up AMS 12.x and Sonic MQ on different servers.
Please follow the below steps if you are installing Monitor Server and Sonic MQ on different machines.
- Make sure both the machines are able to connect with each other.
- Copy the required Sonic MQ JARs on the machine where the Monitor server will be running.
- Install the Monitor Server.
- Provide the JARs location copied on Monitor Server in env.sh file.
- Provide the URL of Sonic MQ Broker running on the different server in env.sh file.
- Start the Monitor Server.
- Access the Monitor Server URL using the Hostname/IP of the machine where you have installed it.
Check in console.log to confirm the port AMS has started on. There will be a similar entry that mentions the port number: yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS.sss EVENT Started SocketListener on<port number>
Once you have the port number, access AMS like this to further configure and set it up:
<protocol=http/https>://<host>:<port number>/lgserver/