This article talks about how to apply a Hotfix/ServicePack to Aurea Monitor 12.x+, or how to upgrade Agent or Intermediary to the latest minor version.
For Monitor, you have to replace lgserver.war and actional.jetty.war in the webapps folder (i.e. C:\Aurea\MonitorServer\webapps\) and restart AMS.
For Agent & Intermediary,
- Copy the launcher packages of the new version of either Agent(agent.zip) or Intermediary(intermediary.zip) to the packages folder of your AMS (i.e. C:\Aurea\MonitorServer\packages) or the AMS profile. (C:\Aurea\MonitorServer\DefaultProfile\packages) (Note: you can have multiple versions of a package, the file name has to be different).
- Verify that your launcher profiles always use the latest version of the assigned packages, i.e. http://localhost:4040/lgserver/admin/services/profile/profile_details.jsp?keyID=AgentDefaultProfile
- On the provisioning page you will be prompted to restart instances with upgraded packages, i.e. http://localhost:4040/lgserver/admin/deployment/agents/agents_list.jsp.